Monday, February 2, 2015

convocation 2015 MKU University Forms And fFees

Madurai Kamaraj University Convocation Fee 
Convocation Fee: Rs 1500/- 
1.It should be paid by enclosing a demand draft drawn in favor of Registrar, Madurai Kamraj University, payable at Madurai". 
2.Candidates can also pay this requisite fee by challan in any branch of State Bank of India.
convocation mku,dates convocation registration mku
Madurai Kamaraj University Convocation Dates 2015 (Expected) 
1.Notification date: July/August 
2.Date of convocation: September
49th Annual Convocation notification of Madurai Kamaraj University has been released for the year 2015. Candidates who have passed UG, PG, M. Phil, Cert/Dip/P.G. Dip, D.Sc./D.Litt./ Ph.D, etc courses degree examination are welcome for the Madurai Kamaraj University Convocation 2015.

Procedure for applying:
1. First of all, students have to download the MKU convocation application form from official website
2. This form can also be had through the Registrar.
3. Xerox copy of the qualifying degree/marks statement should be enclosed with it.
4. The convocation form must be reached before the last date to the following address:
The Registrar,
Madurai Kamaraj University,
Madurai – 625021

Candidates will be required to produce the following details for filling up the Madurai Kamaraj University Convocation application form. 
1.Name of the candidate 
2.Fathers name 
3.Name of the degree applied 
5.Month and year of passing 
6.Registration number 
7.Address for communication, etc

MKU university convocation 2015 is going to be great function

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